Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Literature - My Antonia W. Cather, (Adv to Prof)

My Antonia - Willa Cather 1918

´Winter lies too long in country towns; hangs on until it is stale and shabby, old and sullen.´

shabby - not cared for, untidy, unloved, stale - not fresh
sullen - morose, solemn, gloomy

shabby - not cared for, untidy, unloved, stale - not fresh
sullen - morose, solemn, gloomy

Not the slightest ticking had been heard from the clock in the corner for many a year . Not the slightest breeze had disturbed the air. Not a word had been whispered between the peeling walls. Yet there in the gloom sat a man, his face , his clothes , a man who had forgotten what it was to be loved.

stale, sullen, shabby

My Antonia - Willa Cather 1918

When Spring came, after that hard winter, one could not get enough of the nimble air. Every morning I awakened with a fresh consciousness that winter was over. There were no signs of spring for which I used to watch in Virginia, no budding woods, no blooming gardens. There was only spring itself; the throb of it, the light restlessness, the vital essence of it everywhere; in the sky, in the swift clouds, in the pale sunshine, and in the warm, high wind - rising suddenly, sinking suddenly impulsive and playful.....

Substitute the underlined words in the text with these definitions:

agile, fresh
fast moving

Vocabulary :stale, shabby, sullen, nimble, swift, throb

The bar smelt after the party.
After three weeks camping we all looked a bit and needed a shower.
The mountain goats were very climbing up the rocky slope.
He trapped his finger in the door and it began to
In an accident, a response from the emergency services is essential.
If you try to force teenagers to do something they regard as unpleasant, they can become very and uncooperative.

stale, shabby, nimble, throb, swift, sullen

About this book

My Ántonia, first published 1918, is considered one of the greatest novels by American writer Willa Cather
This great American novel tells the story of several immigrant families who move to rural Nebraska. Antonia is the eldest daughter of the Shimerdas and is a bold and free-hearted young woman who becomes the center of narrator Jim Burden's attention. The story has many elements but clearly documents the struggles of the hard-working immigrants that homesteaded the prairies, and does a particularly fine job covering the hardships that women faced in that difficult environment. My Antonia also provides Willa Cather with a platform to make some comments on women's rights while weaving a story where romantic interests are ultimately bandied about by the uncontrolled changes that occur in people's lives. The final book of Willa Cather's prairie trilogy, My Antonia, is considered her greatest accomplishment.

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